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Safety first

When babywearing, safety is the number one priority.
You can follow the 'TICKS'-rule for safe babywearing.


Slings, wraps and babycarriers

should be tight enough to hug baby close to you. This will be most comfortable for you both! Any slack or loose fabric will allow your baby to sink down in the carrier. This may hinder breathing and back support.


Houd je kleintje steeds in het oog tijdens het dragen. Let erop dat de drager het gezichtje van je baby niet bedekt en je baby voldoende ademruimte heeft. Controleer regelmatig of je baby het niet te warm heeft.



Your baby's head should be positioned at kissing height: by tipping your head forward you should be able to kiss your baby on the forehead.



A baby should never be curled so their chin is forced onto their chest as this can restrict their breathing. Ensure there is always a space of at least a finger width under your baby's chin.

Your baby's back and hips should be well supported in the so called 'M-position' for optimal hip development. Ensure your baby's knees are higher than the bump and their legs are in a spreading position.

Check for ripped seams, torn straps or fabric and damaged hardware before each use. If found, stop using the carrier. 

In this case you can contact:


For low birthweight babies and children with medical conditions, seek advice from a health professional like a midwife or doctor.

This carrier is not suitable for use during sporting activities e.g. cycling, running or when driving a vehicle.


Make sure your baby is positioned safely in the carrier at all times and monitor your baby. 

Never use a soft carrier while engaging in activities such as cooking and cleaning, which involve a heat source.

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